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Bio Pesticides Application Methods

আগ 27, 2023 / By System Admin / in Environmentally Friendly Orchards Management

Mango farmers in Bangladesh are confronted with many pest problems like fruit flies, mealy bugs, hopers, and mites. Peak incidence was noticed during the full bloom stage, after which the insects migrated to the cracks and crevices of the trunk. To combat these problems, most farmers use conventional insecticides to control insect pests in mangoes. Regardless of the usage of pesticides, it is responsible for unnecessary expenses, production costs, environmental pollution, and a decline in the number of beneficial insects and pollinators.
Excessive pesticide use has been identified as a serious issue in the project region. There is an obvious need for organic farming to minimize the burden of chemical pesticides for sustainable mango production. The SEP project has taken many initiatives to solve these problems for mango growers. Providing field-level training to enhance the skills of farmers, encouraging them to adopt sustainable agricultural products, and connecting local farmers and input suppliers with service providers producing a variety of safe agricultural products. The SEP project is also working to create service providers at the local level. Two bio-pesticide production centres have already been set up in Sapahar and Niamatpur upazilas. It produces useful bio-pesticides like "Maranasro", "Brahmasro" and "Jivamrata". 
As a result of these interventions, the mango farmers of the project area are becoming aware of the harmful effects of pesticides, and the amount of use of bio-pesticides is increasing day by day. According to the mango grower, Md. Bakul Hossain, after mango budding, mango growers usually use fungicides and insecticides to prevent insect attack and bud drop. Due to low rainfall and the use of chemicals, most of the garden buds have dropped. I produced "Brahmasra" on the advice of project officials and sprayed it in my 10-bigha mango orchard during the flowering period. As a result, I observed that the buds in my garden did not drop at all. He also said that to increase the use of bio-pesticides, there is a need for more promotion of these products at the government and private levels.