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Md. Ashraful Islam is at the forefront of economic development by cultivating environmentally friendly mangoes

অক্টো 26, 2023 / By System Admin / in Environmentally Friendly Orchards Management


I am Ashraful Islam, a resident of Khidirpur village in Sapahar Upazila. I am a mango gardener. Previously, I solely operated a nursery business, which proved to be quite challenging in meeting the needs of my family. In 2016, I embarked on a venture to establish a mango orchard by leasing just 10 bighas of land, with the goal of enhancing family prosperity and increasing income. Currently, the land of my mango orchard spans 40 bighas. My mango garden project operates in various parts of the upazila, featuring a variety of trees including Amrapali, Bari-4, Ashwina, Haribhanga, and Fazli.


How did you first join SEP and elaborate on your current status?

My involvement in the Ghashful SEP project is primarily driven by my mango cultivation venture. To scale up my agricultural IMG20220605114227_01
enterprise, I systematically expanded my land holdings. Currently, my mango orchard spans a total of 40 bighas. This year, I harvested 35 bighas of mangoes garden. Initially, I lacked the necessary financial resources to effectively manage such an extensive agricultural operation. It was then that a friend, who was already a member of Ghashful, informed me about the seasonal loans offered under the SEP project. Without delay, I contacted the Ghashful project office, and they guided me through the process of enrolling in the Ghashful membership program in January 2021. In 2021, I officially became a member of Ghashful and received BDT 20,000 in the initial phase. In April 2022, during the second phase, I acquired a loan of BDT100,000, which I strategically invested in the furtherance of my mango orchards. This capital injection significantly streamlined my agricultural efforts. In the ongoing season, my mango sales have translated to an impressive revenue of 35 lakhs. Presently, the Ghashful SEP Project has established a demonstration plot within one of my farms. This plot serves as a platform for the application of various organic and contemporary methodologies in mango cultivation. Through the SEP project, I have gained access to extensive training sessions covering a range of topics relevant to modern mango orchard management and environmental practices. This knowledge is promptly applied within my mango orchards. 

Describe the changes you are noticing in your life as a result of joining the SEP.

Before joining the SEP project, the management of my mango orchards was traditional and outdated. I had little knowledge about modern agricultural practices, including the proper use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides at environmentally sustainable levels, as well as organic alternatives that do not harm the environment. I used to rely heavily on excessive pesticide application to control pests in my garden, resulting in scattered pesticide packets throughout. 

Upon receiving the loan from the company, I committed to implementing environmental development activities in my mango orchard. True to my promise of environmentally-friendly mango orchard management, I underwent comprehensive training in various aspects of modern mango cultivation and environmental practices through the SEP project. Concurrently, I diligently adhered to and implemented all the social and environmental guidelines associated with the SEP project, aiming for the holistic development of my mango orchard. Previously, I solely relied on the local market for mango sales. Now, I have ventured into online business and explored more developed markets, resulting in increased profits from mango sales. Nowadays, many fellow mango gardeners seek my advice on environmentally friendly mango orchards management.

How did the SEP intervention lead to change (process) and how did the changes affect your life (outcome)?


After joining the SEP project, the management of mango orchards has received a modern and innovative touch. There has been an unprecedented change in the environmental development of mango orchards. Since becoming a part of the SEP project, I have received comprehensive training on modern and eco-friendly methods of mango cultivation, marketing, and orchard fertilizer management. This has enabled me to establish connections with various government organizations through participation in knowledge exchange visit. Now, if I need advice or wish to explore new varieties, I can readily access resources from the horticulture center or regional fruit research institute. 

Within the framework of the SEP project, a demonstration plot of about one and a half bigha was established in one of my gardens. Lime, pheromone traps, blue and yellow traps, and mango bags were employed to repel insects in the demonstration plots, resulting in a significantly improved garden environment. This inspired me to adopt the use of safe agro inputs in the majority of my mango orchards, thereby reducing the need for pesticide sprays. In addition to the demonstration plot, I have procured 250,000 fruit bags and 500 pheromone traps, and independently initiated their application in my other gardens over the past two seasons. Furthermore, with their guidance, we have implemented proper weed management to produce farm-compost fertilizer, enhancing soil fertility and ultimately leading to better yields in the mango orchard. The Ghashful SEP team, along with government agriculturalist, visit my orchard on a regular basis to provide advice on eco-friendly and safe mango production. At their recommendation, I diligently maintain a register to record activities in the garden. This practice is crucial for selling mangoes in both the international and premium domestic markets, as it ensures the safe cultivation of mangoes. 

Upon the suggestion of the Ghashful SEP team, we have introduced cover crops in the garden. They have explained that cover cropping not only enhances soil fertility but also suppresses weed growth, leading to additional income. Last season, we cultivated maskalai on 8 bighas of land, yielding approximately 1.2 metric tons valued at Tk 120,000. This season, I expanded maskalai cultivation to about 12 bighas, resulting in a 50% reduction in herbicide usage on these lands. This practice has not only brought financial benefits but also contributed positively to the environment.

I have set up a first aid box to attend to any hand or foot injuries workers may sustain while working in the garden and consistently aware my workers about the importance of wearing masks and gloves while spraying. Within the garden premises, I've provided shelters for rest and meals, as well as ensured a supply of safe drinking water. Drainage systems have been established with well-maintained drains and channels. Additionally, during the mango harvest season, fans and lights installed for added comfort. Furthermore, I've arranged dustbins to prevent litter from scattering, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the garden environment.


How is the change affecting other micro-enterprise owners/families/workers/communities (consequences)?


Mango cultivation is a long-term fruit, with most varieties in Sapahar upazila yielding fruit once a year, leaving the land idle for the rest of the time. Following the advice of the SEP team, I began cultivating companion crops like Maskalai alongside mangoes. This year, I introduced G-9 bananas around the orchard. Additionally, I've incorporated modern agricultural practices in my mango orchards, including the use of pheromone traps, fruit bags, garden tillers, and organic fertilizers. Consequently, my garden is producing high-quality mangoes with a significantly higher market value compared to other farmers. I anticipate a substantial income from this venture. Observing my initiatives, other mango farmers in the village have started cultivating cover crops and frequently seek advice from me on this matter. 

Furthermore, the provision of housing, safe water, first aid, fans, and lights for workers in the garden has led to a heightened sense of job satisfaction among them. This has translated into increased work motivation, resulting in more diligent and honest care of the mango garden.


Why are the changes mentioned above significant to you?


Prior to my participation in the Ghashful SEP project, I adhered to traditional methods of mango farming and had limited knowledge of modern agricultural practices. However, this project has ushered in a transformative phase in my life. I've embraced contemporary farming techniques, resulting in a garden environment that is both modern and environmentally sustainable. This shift has not only led to financial gains but has also elevated my standing in the community. I now serve as a trusted source of advice for many individuals seeking guidance on successful mango cultivation, enhancing my acceptance and recognition in social circles.


Additional comments, if any


The district of Naogaon is renowned for its abundant mango cultivation, producing the highest quantity of mangoes in the country. However, despite its prominence in mango production, this region currently lacks a mango reserve and the essential infrastructure, such as a packing house for sorting and grading of mangoes. The implementation of these critical arrangements by PKSF through this project has the potential to create a pathway for significant economic benefits for the mango farmers in our area. This initiative not only addresses a longstanding need but also promises to enhance the efficiency and value of mango cultivation, thereby empowering the local farming community and contributing to the economic prosperity of the region.