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Yellow/Blue Traps methods

অক্টো 31, 2023 / By System Admin / in Innovation

This is noted that each fruiting season farmers 25-30 times sprayed pesticides in a mango orchard, and 60-70% sprayed only for other insect and pest control(observation). That deteriorate health of the mango tree's tender leaves and twigs and suppressed the normal growth and development. To reduce insect infestation and growth acceleration the project also demonstrated Yellow/Blue Traps. The result of this method significantly demonstrated that it will play a vital role on reducing the insect infestation in near future. 


Chart: Showing adaptation Yellow trap technology

A field study has been made with the 60 Demonstration Plot about their willingness to adopt the yellow trap in their mango orchards. Comprising the data, result shows that about 3500 pieces of yellow traps were used in mango orchards in 2022, and it was about zero in 2020, whereas in 2021, 2000 pieces of yellow traps were used (chart). In the 15-21 days’ period of using these traps, it is estimated that about 100-120 fruit flies are found dead. This result has been creating positive awareness among the farmers to use this technology.