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Emergence of eco-friendly mango-based products with the help of the SEP project

আগ 27, 2023 / By System Admin / in Case Study


Mst. Rafina Begum is a resident of North Kolmudangga in Sapahar Upazila. On June 15, 2022, she became a member of Ghashful and actively participated in various training workshops and knowledge-sharing exchange visits organized by the Ghashful SEP project. Especially after attending the training on Mango-based product processing, she made the decision to venture into producing diversified mango products on her own.

Previously, she was solely a housewife, attending to normal household activities while also looking after chickens, cows, and goats. During the mango season, she would prepare pickles and mango bars for her family and relatives, unaware of the significant market potential for these products both within the country and abroad. However, everything changed when she received training on the production and marketing of mango based products from the Ghashful SEP project. The project played a crucial role in providing guidance and assistance in this regard. With the knowledge gained from the training, she came to realize the immense earning potential of marketing these products. Moreover, she learned about the Ghashful Common Service, which offers a loan of TK250,000 for the production of mango-based products. Intrigued by the possibilities, she personally reached out to other housewives in her area who were interested in producing different items. With the suggestions of the SEP project team, they formed a group of five people and jointly applied for a loan of Tk50,000 each, totaling Tk250,000, to produce mango bars and mango pickles, and later on invested in their business. In the 2022 season, the group successfully produced a small quantity of these mango products (mango bars and mango Pickles), which they sold both locally and through the SEP projects.

According to the entrepreneur, Mst. Rafian Begum, the response from customers has been overwhelmingly positive, appreciating the quality of our products. Subsequently, we became aware of the increasing demand for our products. The SEP project then enlightened us about the potential benefits of obtaining BSTI certification for our products to further expand our business. In a workshop on product certification, a trainer from BSTI provided valuable insights into the necessary government policies. Taking this advice to heart, our first step was to acquire essential documents such as a trade license, a tin ID, and a sanitary certificate for our company, which we named M/S Sapahar Fruits Products. We then proceeded to apply for a BSTI certificate for our business, specifically under the Sapahar Mango brand. After a thorough process, we were delighted to receive our BSTI certificate on March 23, 2023, certifying our Mango Bar as a quality product. This certification has significantly boosted our business prospects and instilled confidence in our customers regarding the excellence and safety of our product.

Currently, the members of the Sapahar Fruits Products group are engaged in the production and sale of mango pickles and mango bars. This group focuses on product packaging, quality improvement, and market strategies. As a result of participating in the Ghashful SEP project's Mango and Mango-Based Products Fair in 2022 and 2023, their recognition in the domestic market has increased. In the years 2022–2023, they have sold approximately 70,000-taka worth of mango pickles and mango bars through Facebook, the Ghashful Borendro website, and other mediums. Another member of Sapahar Fruits Products, Mst. Roksana, mentioned that their livelihood has been significantly improved through the sale of mango pickles and mango bars. They can now contribute financially to their families, which has boosted their respect and acceptance within their households. They also provide advice and assistance to other families in selling their homemade mango pickles and mango bars.