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Fruits Bagging and Pheromone Traps Methods

অক্টো 31, 2023 / By System Admin / in Innovation

Just before the fruits maturing stage fruit fly infestation highly occurs in a mango orchard and this is the great concern for the mango producers . That causes low production and decreased mango quality alongwith yield. And according to farmers’ opinions, 25-30 % of yield losses occur only for fruit fly infestation. Farmers usually using insecticides frequently to prevent their attacks. It has been observed that only to prevent fruit fly attack seven to nine-time, a mix of pesticides used in a month but difficult to control it. The sub-project supplied 3000 mango bags and 50 pheromone traps for each demonstration with training. An observation illustrated that 100% bagged mango became safe from fruit fly attack and 500–600 fruit flies became trapped by one pheromone trap weighing approximately 2-3 grams a season (observation). The farmer opined that such a way produced mango bears export quality color, prolonged maturity period, prevents fungal infestation after harvest and transport, and shelflife also increased. 


According to the local input supplier information mango bag uses by the mango farmers gradually increasing in the project area due to demonstration as well as collective motivational work by the project personnel, resource farmers and trained input sellers. Followed by the success of the technologies, neighbor farmers motivated and adapted the technologies. And the increasing trends of fruit bag and pheromone traps uses from 2020-2023 are shown below (Charts 1 & 2).


Chart 1: Representing the trends of adopting fruits bag technology among mango grower


Chart 2: Depicting the trends of using pheromone traps among mango growers

The field-level study has been revealing that farmers' perception of embracing modern agriculture technology is changing significantly. In 2020, the number of mango grower using fruits bag and pheromone traps were nearly Zero. Only one demonstration plot farmer used the trap in a minimal quantity among 40 mango farmers. But this scenario shifted positively in 2022, where it presents that (charts 1 &2) from 40 respondents, all the farmers use fruit bags and pheromone traps in their orchards. Mango growers used around 1150000 pieces of fruit bag and 8900 pieces of pheromone traps in 2022, and in 2021 it was around 80000 pieces of fruit bag and 2500 pieces of pheromone traps. It was estimated from the field-level data that nearly 30,0000-35,0000 lakhs of fruit bags were sold in Niamotpur and Sapahar Upazilas during the last season (2022). 

Now a day, more farmers are likely to adopt these two eco-friendly methods because the result was impressive. Mango growers spray pesticides 25-30 times in their orchards per season. The cost of pesticides and labor is also increasing day by day. Considering the expense, they now realize the hazardous effect on human health. Mr. Sohel Rana, a micro-entrepreneur of Ghashful SEP, said, "After adopting fruits bagging technology, I have found that it protects mangoes from diseases and pests an.

d boosts the production of export quality mangoes. According to the local input supplier, 'The demand for fruit bags and pheromone traps in mango farming has been increasing and becoming popular in the project area.