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Mango Picker

Oct 31, 2023 / By System Admin / in Innovation

Mango post harvesting technique is one of the most essential operations which have been playing a vital role on profitable mango marketing. Mano picker is one of the imperative instrument required for the standard level of harvesting due to utilizing this improve the quality of taste, preservation, reduce the storage level diseases and insect infestation, and improve the market price. In Bangladesh, mango harvest is mainly done by hand picking, or local mango picker named these (made of bamboo sticks and bags), which needs enormous labor, and causes of sufficient latex falls from the collected mangoes and wrap up the mangoes. Thus the way harvested fruits' color and preservation qualities deteriorated by about 20-25 %, and due to this situation, the price of mango dropped by 70 percent (according to farmers' opinion) because consumers prefer fresh mangoes free from the foreign materials.

The Ghashful SEP project has provided ten modern and mechanized mango harvesters/pickers to the lead entrepreneurs of the SEP project to solve the problem. A mango harvester is a modern technology that requires no hand involvement during harvesting. It is a secure technology that diminishes the mango fall and bruises, including protecting mangoes from spreading latex on the upper body. Based on data collected from mango harvester users, farmers are satisfied with using mango pickers and said it is a safe technology that reduces mango fall by around 99 percent. This practice directly supported ten micro-entrepreneurs and encouraged other mango growers to utilize this technology in their orchards.

By using these outstanding technologies, farmers can produce good quality mango, could get high prices, and even export good quality mangoes

Written by: Belal Ahmed, Documentation Officer cum MIS, SEP, Ghashful