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Md. Shariful Islam Tarafdar in environmentally friendly mango cultivation

Aug 27, 2023 / By System Admin / in Ecommerce


Md. Shariful Islam Tarafdar is a resident of Bhimpur village, Niamatpur upazila. In 2021, he joined the Ghashful organization and invested in mango orchards by taking a loan of Tk. 3 lakh in the 1st phase on February 2, 2021, and a total of Tk. 15 lakh in 4 phases on environment-friendly mango cultivation from the company's SEP project. Also, he is determined to adopt modern technologies and be eco-friendly in the environmental management of mango orchards, besides increasing income through training and skill development workshops.

Md. Shariful Islam Tarafdar, a resident of Bhimpur village, Niamatpur upazila, joined the Ghashful organization in 2021. He invested in mango orchards, obtaining a loan of Tk. 3 lakh in the 1st phase on February 2, 2021, and a total of Tk. 15 lakh in 4 phases for environmentally-friendly mango cultivation through the company's SEP project. Additionally, he is committed to adopting modern technologies and eco-friendly practices for the environmental management of his mango orchards, aiming to increase income through training and skill development workshops.

Involvement in SEP Project:
Md. Shariful Islam Tarafdar is a mango producer. In 2016, he started a mango orchard by cultivating mangoes on a tiny scale on only three bighas of land. Through this mango cultivation, he ended his unemployed life and developed his economic situation. Now, He has 50 bighas of mango orchards, and his project runs in different areas of Niamotpur Upazilas. But in all his orchards, mangoes were cultivated following the so-called/traditional method, and the management of mango orchards was underdeveloped before the SEP project's involvement.
After his involvement with the Ghashful SEP project, he promised to implement environmental development activities in his mango orchard. He promised to manage the mango orchard in an environmentally friendly manner. He participated in the training session and developed his modern mango orchard management skills. At the same time, he followed all the social and environmental norms related to the SEP project for the overall development of his mango orchard and was committed to its implementation. He regularly participates in the environmental club under the SEP project.
Regarding the implementation of environmental practices as promised, he said, "I used to follow the so-called method of gardening." Currently, I am tending the mango garden according to good agricultural practices (GAP). For example, fencing orchards, providing first aid boxes, using pheromone traps, fruit bags, etc. I participated in different types of training, workshops, seminars, environment club meetings, and knowledge exchange tours organized by the SEP project and learned about scientific methods of pesticide management, different types of climate-tolerant mango varieties, the mango storage management process, and the mango export market.
Implementing environmental practices has improved the environment of my mango orchard a lot. My garden workers also work with satisfaction, and work productivity has increased. My family and I are satisfied with the implementation of these environmental practices and will continue to implement them regularly in the future.


Commitment to the implementation of environmental development practices:
At the time of the SEP loan, Md. Shariful Islam Tarafdar made several promises to improve the environment of his mango orchard. The commitments are as follows:
1. Development of drainage system around the work site.
2. Hanging awareness notices at appropriate places.
3. Provide a separate place for workers/employees to rest and take food in the mango orchard.
4. Arrangement of first aid box for first aid treatment.
6. Specified waste disposal site (Dustbin).


Implemented Environmental Development Practices:
Md. Shariful Islam Tarafdar has implemented all the promises he made to improve the environment of his mango orchard while taking a SEP loan. At the same time, he is committed to growing the garden, keeping in mind other environmental issues. The commitments implemented are as follows:
1. Development of drains around the work site.
2. Hanging awareness notices at appropriate places.
3. Provide a separate place for workers/employees to rest and take food in the mango orchard.
4. Arrangement of first aid box for first aid treatment.
5. Organic production of products.
6. Specified waste disposal site (Dustbin).